How do beliefs formed in childhood shape our lives? Exploring the Elephant Training Metaphor
Do you know how baby elephants are tamed for circuses and other forms of work? During their training, the baby elephants are initially tied to a sturdy steel stake in the ground, preventing them from breaking free. Over time, the elephants give up trying to escape, believing the stake is unbreakable. Eventually, the trainer can replace the steel stake with a smaller wooden one, because although it wouldn't hold the elephant if it tried to break loose, the elephants never even attempt to do so due to their conditioned beliefs.
This idea of conditioned beliefs can reflect how the wilderness is tamed in other species, ourselves, and each other in subtle ways. Why do we do this? It's often for the sake of control, maintaining power and privilege, and seeking predictability and safety. This elephant training metaphor resonates with me because it sheds light on conditioning in our own lives and work. It particularly highlights situations where liberation could be relatively easy to achieve if not for the conditioned beliefs.
The various restraining forces that exist in our lives and minds each have different levels of resistance and rootedness. These include how we were raised, our education, and other structural and institutional factors. All of these play a part in creating our beliefs about ourselves, others, what we are capable of, and what we believe we deserve. These beliefs influence our choices, our potential, and the instincts that no longer serve us or align with our present circumstances and future direction.
This metaphor reminds me to:
Recognize and acknowledge the stakes that define the boundaries of my physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and social movements.
Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of these stakes: What are they made of? How deeply ingrained are they?
When I reflect in this way, I’m able to challenge myself and my beliefs. Hopefully, after reading this, it will help you to do the same and begin to unshackle yourself from your limiting beliefs. If you need help tackling this challenge yourself, give me a call.
As always, I'm here to help